Braided vs. Mono Fishing Line: Which Is Better?

While choosing the right bait to use for fishing is important, you should also think carefully about which type of fishing line you use. Both mono fishing line and braided fishing line can be used for a variety of purposes, but each option has its pros and cons. You'll need to consider the differences carefully when making your choice.

Fortunately, we're here to help. In this article, we'll help settle the debate between mono and braided fishing line. 

Why Use Mono Fishing Line?

Monofilament fishing line is the traditional, most common fishing line option, and has been around for quite a while. Mono fishing line is made from a single plastic fiber, is cheap to make, and comes in different varieties. It comes in a range of different diameters with varying tensile strength and there are different colors as well.

There are many reasons that you may choose to use monofilament line when fishing. The main reason that mono fishing line is so popular is that it's more cost-effective than braided line is.

On top of this, mono lines are less challenging to use, making them user-friendly and great for beginners. Mono line also stretches more and will be able to easily handle sudden hits without a chance of breaking. It also provides superior clarity, making it a great option for use in clear or shallow water.

On the negative side, although mono line is strong, it isn't quite as durable as braided line is. It also has a thicker diameter so only a limited amount can be spooled. Mono line also isn't as long-lasting as braided line.

Why Use Braided Fishing Line?

Braided fishing line is constructed of multiple fibers instead of a single fiber. These fibers are usually made of synthetic materials such as nylon, Dacron, Spectra, or micro-Dyneema.

Braided fishing line is thin, but is also durable and long-lasting as well. It can be useful if you'll be dealing with obstacles such as rocks and weeds when fishing. 

Because of the lower amount of stretch, braided fishing line will also have better sensitivity. Due to its small diameter, braided fishing line allows you to get more on the spool. You'll also be able to cast for greater distances.

On the negative side, braided line costs more than mono fishing line does. It also requires skill to use. Braided line also has more visibility, so it's not the best choice for catching fish in clear water

When to Use Each Type

The braided fishing line vs mono line debate is going strong, and unfortunately, there is still no clear answer. Many people disagree about which is the best choice overall. Braided line is generally more durable and has better casting distance. Mono fishing line is more affordable and user-friendly.

If you're a beginner, you'll likely want to stick with a mono fishing line. With more experience, you may want to consider using a braided fishing line. You may also choose to use a bit of both, depending on the type of fishing you'll be doing.

Mono line tends to be best for live bait fishing, trolling, and kite fishing. On the other hand, braided line works well for bottomfishing and jigging, fishing kelp, fishing structure, and casting plugs and lures.

Final Thoughts

Both mono fishing line and braided fishing line can be good choices, but you'll want to consider your goals when choosing which to use. Make sure that you consider all of the differences of each when making your choice.

Ready to go on an amazing fishing trip? Click here to learn more about our exciting chartered fishing trip options now.

fishing, fishing linesDerek Schmidt